Monday, October 6, 2008

Mixing of religions with Politics in India.

this was also another topic in GD in my college.
my views..

well, right from the time of independence there always exists Hindu-Muslim religious fight in the country,
the politicians make these issue politics.

jinnah was the leader during the time of independence. he insisted for a separate nation for Muslims since they were less in number. this lead to dividing the entire country into 2 as Pakistan and India. all the Indians who stayed in Pakistan region had to travel a lot for reaching India which made them suffer a lot ,this ended up in communal riots between Hindu and Muslim.these riots resulted in loss of many life's.

thus mixing of religious issue in politics had lead to many forms of fights between the Muslim and Hindu people of the country such as amarnath issue, ayyodaya issue etc.
so mixing up of religions in politics should never be encouraged.

Nuclear family or Joint Family In India?

this was the Group discussion topic given to my friend yesterday in my college

let me tell my view on this topic.
according to me joint family is better than nuclear family since there is always someone to take care of the children's when parents leave them alone and go for work.
Grandparents are best entities in the world who will love their grandchildren and provide them good love, affection and care.

Nuclear family has given rise to increase in number of old age homes where the parents are made to live once they become very old or once their child get married to someone.

its always good to stay in joint family rather in nuclear family because there will someone or the other at our side when we are in need of urgent help or in need of mental , physical and financial support.
lets all support joint family and live life with unity along with our loved relatives.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Gandhi Vs Netaji Subhash chandra boss

yest, when i was speaking about Mahatma Gandhi to my friend, she made a comment telling that she does not like Gandhi and said that she like only Netaji Subhash Chandra Boss..
and she also said that Gandhi was selfish.

After hearing her words i got angry and started arguing with her.
she said that She dislikes the non-violence idea of Gandhi and She liked only Netaji's violence movement against British's Colonial rule in India.

since netaji was violent in his actions he was not able to continue his movement because the Britisher's sent him to jail often.

Gandhi was so selfless that he went on fasting for continuous 21 days for Hindu Muslim unity.He achieved Freedom For India by negotiating with Britishers.
he strongly believed in 'Satyagraha' and 'ahimsa' that made him win in the freedom movement.

Netaji and Gandhi loved each other. then y we should have a debate on who is best?..

We should have great mind to feel the greatness of Gandhi.this is what i said to my friend at the end of our argument [:)]

Friday, October 3, 2008

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi !!...FATHER OF OUR NATION !!...

well yesterday was Gandhi jayanthi ie. Mahatma gandhi's birthday.
each and every Gandhi jayanthi they put the film 'Gandhi' in our tv's

i saw this movie 'Gandhi' only yesterday in my lifetime.It made me know more about Gandhi the great leader of our country. i was really touched by the character of Gandhi after seeing this movie.
this movie is all about Gandhi ,the great leader of our country and his works..
Gandhi was born in borbandar a town near Gujarat.
he was married at his early age of 13 to his wife.
he went to London university and studied law.after finishing his law studied..
he went to south Africa as a lawyer to visit his friends.
There he found that the Africans were treated like slaves by the british government since they ruled over the Africans..
he started non-violence movement against the British government and was succeeded in relieving Africans from unlawful rules made by the Britishers..
then, from Africa he moved to his own country INDIA ..
he found that everything was going wrong in India.
all Indians were treated like slaves by the British government since they ruled over Indians.
then since many food products , dresses were imported from Britain to our country,the weavers ,farmers etc suffered from poverty, aft seeing the sufferings of poor people in India,Gandhi decided to live a simple life.
he dint give importance to dress..he just wore a dhoti and dint were a shirt till his death. he survived by drinking goats milk and by eating peanuts as his food.

He wanted a nation ruled by Indians.. he wanted the Britishers to move out of India.He dint like the injustice made by the Britishers to our country.they are foreigners for our country. how can a foreigner rule us?..
they were only 1 lakh people who were ruling 75 crore people of indians.

he opened the eyes of Indians.
he made them fight for the freedom.
he had a unique way of fighting.
he strongly believed in non-violence.
Mahatma Gandhi and his followers fought against British government without creating violence . they never bet back or threw stones or any other times of devices.
they got all the beatings from British governments for being against them.
they were punished by British people for everything they did ...but they never reacted back violently.
they just waited patiently by undergoing all types of tortures , they had a great tolerance against the government.

Satyagraha means that making the enemies inner mind feel bad for their actions by non-violence methods.

Dhandi march was a great historic event which took place in India ...
gandhi and his followers marched till Dhandi the sea and manufactured salt by themselves.
The salt was sold by local people.
this gave no respect to the British government in India. which made all the Britishers to return back to their homeland ,giving freedom for Indians.

Finally India got Freedom on august 15th, 1947 after the non-violence movement lead by Gandhi.

During the independence , one of the congress party leader named jinnah felt that his community members that is Muslims were few in number in the country.
he fought with Gandhi that he wanted a separate country for his Muslim community people.Gandhi refused in the beginning and requested jinnah to stay in India and lead the country as a minister.
but jinnah refused his request and was strong in partitioning India into India and Pakistan.

so all the Muslims living throughout the country had to migrate to Pakistan and all the Hindu's living in Pakistan had to migrate to India.
during this migration ,at Calcutta there arose a big community war between Muslims and the Hindus.

this lead to death of many Muslims and a large number of Hindus.
one Indian misunderstood that Gandhi is responsible for all the losses of life that occurred in India and he shot Gandhi to death...:(

This incident made the whole India to mourn and cry :( :(

This biography of Mahatma Gandhi was shot as a film by Richard Attenborough.
This film was given Academy award for 8 times !!!.. this film was given academy award as best picture.

HITHENDRA !!! Ur Heart lives and u live in our hearts even after death !...

yest was gandhi jayanthi(gandhi's birthday)...i had a holiday for it..
i just sat at home and watched all the special tv programs that were telecasted..

In sun tv, morning they showed a programme about a boy called 'HITHENDRA'.
this person is just 15 years old youngster who lives in chennai. Few days back he met with an accident and got severely hurt on his head. which caused a block in his brain.
his both the parents were doctors. they very well knew that their son will not survive after that accident.
so the parents with good heart came forward to donate their sons organs...
they were the first parents who came forward to donate their sons "HEART".

yes !!..Hithendra's heart was transplanted to 6 yr old girl who stayed at bangalore city...this girl was suffering from severe heart disease which required a heart transplantation, since the girl was very small they required a youngsters heart for transplantation. Dr. cherian and his team of HEART SPECIALISTS went to the appolo hospital within few seconds of hithendra's death and they bought his heart in a box to the cherians hospital with the help of Tamil Nadu police officials..
police officers made a major role in controlling the trafic while this heroic action was being performed..

The parents of the girl who underwent heart transplantation are very happy now as they got a heart for their child and they will show their gratitude towards hithendra's family for life time.

Hithendra's parents are very sad for missing such a good son now and at the same time they are feeling happy that their son has helped a girl to survive even after his own death..
Hithendra lives in all our hearts by giving his own heart for a girl to survive !..
from this incident i decided to give my organs to others after my death.

so Friends lets all come forward for giving our organs such as eyes, heart etc even after our death so that our organs can make a person live for about 40 to 69 years.
lets all be useful to this humankind even after our death.